What do you say when your baby is 13 months and people ask how old she is? Do you say she's a year old? Or do you say 13 months? One year and a month? I used to hate it when I asked how old toddlers were and I would get their age in months and be forced to do the math. Oh your baby is 37 months?? So.....she's 3? Now I totally get it, there is a difference between one year and 13 months, but I still remember that annoyance. Is she a year old until shes 1 1/2? Maybe I should change my answer depending on my audience. For random dudes she's one, but for other moms she's 13 months. In my confusion I usually say both.
These are the things I think about. My guess is that Travis has never once had this thought. Probably because if anyone looks at her, talks to her, or asks us about her, he puts his head down and gets out of there as quickly as possible. Then he'll turn to me and mutter something along the lines of, "don't effing look at my daughter." He doesn't like feeling that she's on display, and apparently thinks everyone who looks at her wants to touch her and kidnap her. It's something we're working on, but I agree it is a little disconcerting when random middle aged men tell us she's beautiful. The other day when I showed him a set of summer pajamas I got for Trinity, he was upset because he thought the pajama shorts were "too short." What?! So it might show some diaper. Doesn't mean our daughter's a hussy. I sense this will be an ongoing issue...forever.
Trinity pretends like she hates the attention, but I know she secretly revels in it. She'll act all shy when people come up and start talking to her, always refusing to wave or say hi. But when people just walk right past her or stand around ignoring her, that's when she'll be like HII! and smile and wave. Thrill of the chase I guess. Can't say I blame her.
The girl is never happier than when she is doing something forbidden. She can't even stifle her giggles. I want so bad to be mad and serious when she blatantly disobeys, but it's impossible not to laugh.
She knows my biggest pet peeve is her touching my laptop, but she just can't stop herself. I usually quickly remove her from the situation, but this is when I get the best smiles. How could you be mad at that?
When the doctor asked if I had any concerns, I told her that Trinity's defiance concerns me. She does things more purposefully and with determination when she knows she shouldn't. What makes me really crazy is when I tell her not to throw her food on the floor, and she looks me straight in the eyes, holds my stare, and in slow motion stretches out her hand full of food and lets go one finger at a time. The doctor tells me not to look at it as defiance, that Trinity is not capable of behavior and thought that complex. Something about how children test their limits and want to find them, blah blah. I'm afraid I know exactly what she's capable of. Evil far beyond her years. She knows where her limits are, and nothing brings her more joy than tiptoeing right over that line drawn in the sand.
I had an Omg I'm a Horrible Mom! incident a few weekends ago. Trinity and I drove up to Portland to meet a friend and check out the Saturday market. We brought Lamb because Lamb is her fave and she can't go anywhere without him. Well she enjoyed throwing Lamb over the side of the stroller several times throughout the day, and he was always rescued and returned safely. At the end of our afternoon, my wonderful friend gave Trinity some presents. Two hippos joined her in the stroller with Lamb. We then walked across the street, loaded up the car and jetted on home. That night, Lamb was not in the house with us. I checked the car. No Lamb. Stroller. No Lamb. Oh my god where's Lamb?!? Lamb is gone. Nowhere. I would've bought another, but of course I got it at Costco during Easter, and it's no longer available. For a while I would try to substitute Lamb with Duck or Bunny, but she would throw it back and me and say "Lamb!" Oh the guilt! Here we will remember the good ol' days with Lamb. RIP Lamb. You are missed.
No more swinging with Lamb |
It wasn't me, it was Lamb. |
Playing with the picture settings on my new phone. |
She's getting humongous! |
In honor of Mother's Day, I made a little photo book of Trinity's first year. Most of the pictures from her first few months are covered in other books and calendars, so this one mostly covers the last half of her first year. I plan to give it to Trinity one day, but until then I'm giving it to my mom to hold on to. Take a peak! Kudos to Shutterfly for providing html to embed in blogs.
Build your own high-quality photo books at Shutterfly.com.