Trinity is two! This blows my mind. We are one-ninth of the way done raising her. In an effort to escape planning an awkward toddler party, we went on a marathon of a vacation. It was a boatload of memories she won't remember packed into less than a week. Now I need a vacation alone to sit on a beach and relax. This was exhausting.
Our vacation, in a nutshell:
Tuesday: Work all day. Start driving at night so Trinity can sleep.
Wednesday: Still driving. Finally made it to California. Take nap. Go to rock climbing gym.
Thursday: Zoo Day!
Friday: Disneyland!
Monday: Home. Pass out.
Disneyland blew her mind. Can you imagine being a toddler, thinking you have a pretty good understanding of your world, and then all of a sudden BAM! you're in Disneyland and it's a whole new dimension. Hell, Disneyland blew MY mind. Overstimulating is an understatement. Since we have terrible parental judgment, we thought a good first Disneyland experience would be Toad's Wild Ride. Based solely on the fact that it had a short line. As we got closer to boarding the ride, I see a sign that says you ride a motorcycle "careening through the stormy streets of London" I turn to Travis to voice my concern, but it's too late. We are whisked away on this dark, jerky ride with loud screams where random things pop out at you. By the end, Trinity was screaming "OUT!! OUT!!" We made up for it by taking her on the Tea Cups next, followed by It's a Small World. Hopefully she's not traumatized for life.
She talks now. Actual words. She can tell you about her day and communicate her needs. Most of the time I understand her, but sometimes she goes off on these tangents that I can't translate. Unfortunately, she also has no filter and ends up saying the most embarrassing things in public.
From the mouth of Beeb:
In a public restroom: "Yay! Mommy Pee Pee!" followed by "Oooh blue panties!"
"I toot toot! I'm amazing!"
As I'm trying to swiftly and secretly change her diaper in a dressing room: "Stinky poopy stinky poopy!!"
As I'm dressing in said dressing room: "Mommy's boobies!"
As we walk into a friend's house: "Mess!"
When a baby cries in public: "Cry baby! Cry baby!"
She calls my mom Debbie. Debbie is not my mother's name. For the longest time, she had no name for my mom, which really hurt Mom's feelings, being her daily caregiver and all. But then one day as we were riding in the car, she starts looking at my mom and yelling for Debbie. "Hey Mom, I think you're Debbie," I told her. "Am I Debbie? I'll be Debbie!" she said. She was so excited to finally have a name. Now she longs for her nameless days back. Trinity is always yelling Debbie!! Debbie!! from every room in the house. I think she is trying to call her Grammy, but her Gs come out as Ds. Guido is Deedo. Here is an example of Debbie. Also, she reads.
Her birthday was very close to Easter this year, so instead of giving her presents for her bday (isn't Disneyland enough?!) I saved it for Easter. It was fun this year, since she could play along with egg coloring and hunting. I haven't decided what to do about the Easter Bunny. Same with Santa. I feel like it's a weird creepy lie that parents tell their kids to keep them in line. It's mean to take advantage of your kids' trust and get your jollies by making them believe these weird creatures bring them presents if they're good. But I also don't celebrate these holidays for any religious reason, so why the hell am I hiding multi-colored plastic eggs filled with jelly beans?? I'm honestly not sure. Because I lead an empty, consumer-driven life? Also, she looks cute all dressed up.
I will leave you with my favorite Disneyland picture.