Oops, we did it again! Apparently life was getting a little too easy, so we thought we'd shake things up a bit. I wouldn't say it was a conscious decision. I've never understood how people can be so sure that they want to have a baby at this moment and then just go for it. That's not us. It's too big of a life change to just decide, so we left it up the Universe to decide for us. And here we are.
Let me just say, Toto, we're not 24 anymore. With Trinity, it was easy. I was so happy and felt so good and could pretend like nothing was happening. For a short period of time, I hated chicken and the smell of onions, but otherwise went about my life unscathed. Obviously it got a little rough at the end, with the insane itching that is cholestasis, my aching sciatic, and the premature birth. But BEFORE all that, I was A-OK. This is different. Almost immediately I felt like pure shit. I wasn't put off by certain foods, but I just couldn't stand to think of any food. Not looking in the fridge, not stepping into the kitchen, not preparing anything on the stove. The mere THOUGHT of doing any of that made me gag to the point of losing anything I had left in the tank on a daily basis. The worst part was that I also had to eat constantly to avoid puking, so the trick was to manage it without thinking about it. In addition, it took approximately 1 day for me to look about 6 months pregnant, and my hips are on the verge of needing replacement. When people ask how I feel, I say, "I'm good." But this is what I really mean.
As a result, I have a bowl of mandarin oranges on my nightstand, and a mini fridge in my office full of ready-made snacks. Thank goodness for Travis, who does all this for me so that I can avoid the kitchen. We also went from me preparing dinner nearly every night, to him trying to whip up something that I'm not going to hate the smell of. He's a trooper, but I know he's feeling the struggle. There was a point when I would wake up at 3 a.m. every night, gagging from hunger, and I would open my bag of trusty apple slices and take a crunchy, satisfying bite. The man who could sleep through a tornado, a robbery, and a fire all at the same time is immediately awake and alert and annoyed that I'm crunching apples in bed at 3 a.m. "It's a disease," he says. "I have that disease where I can't stand to hear crunching." He's obviously the one suffering here.
Does everyone remember when we used to find out the gender of our babies, and then tell our families and friends by calling them up, or texting them and saying, "It's a girl!"? These times are now gone, my friends. Now it's all the rage to torture yourself by NOT finding out, and then let someone random find out your baby's gender before you, and then you have a party to inconvenience everyone by making them attend to find out what you're having. All for a couple of sweet photos of your "clever" reveal that you can now post to social media. I'm guilty of loving these reveals on Facebook, but man, what a pain in the ass. I was not going to partake in this new tradition, because I could not imagine torturing myself by not finding out as soon as I possibly could. But then, our time to find out coincided with the super bowl, and we were going to have a bunch of people over anyway, so we decided to also make it a reveal party for any family and friends who wanted to attend. I always intended on finding out the gender at the appointment, and simply announcing it to everyone at the party. When our "friends" discovered this, they peer pressured me mercilessly into not finding out because apparently that's no fun. So here I am, after the appointment on Thursday, not knowing what's developing inside my body, for the sake of everyone's amusement. Not happy about it.
What's your vote? 100% of people polled have said #TeamBlue. And I get it, a boy would be nice. One of each is ideal. Plus, I love our boy name and have been dying to use it since Trinity ended up not being a boy. BUT, I'm sorry to say, I'm goin' girl here. My babies have a tendency to be surprises, so I think we'll all be surprised when we learn that more pink is in store. I could be wrong. We shall see.
If you're around on Sunday, come on by before the game for our Tacos or Wieners party, and bring your BB Gun for an old fashioned shoot out reveal. If not, I'll post pictures ;)