Trinity is now 4.5 months old, and ever since I bought the Magic Bullet I have been eager to start making her some baby food. She just went in for her shots, and the pediatrician gave us the go-ahead to start feeding her solids, probably to help her body support her giant head (80th percentile!!). Of course she advised us to start with rice cereal. Boring! After much research, I learned that there is no medical reason why rice cereal should be baby's first food. It's basically just carbs, with no real nutritional value. But I bought some just to have it. I also bought a sweet potato. I remember my niece loving them, so I figured I would give it a shot. The weird thing is I could only find white sweet potatoes. I didn't even know those existed, but figured, what the hell, now if it gets on her clothes it won't stain as bad. So I brought it home, peeled it, steamed it, put it in the Magic Bullet with some breast milk for a familiar taste and thinner consistency and Wah Lah! Homemade baby food! Then I filled up an ice cube tray with my mixture, froze it, and emptied it into a plastic bag. For the cost of 68 cents I now have several servings of food.
It's actually quite tasty! | | | | |
Making it was the easy part. Now I have to get her to eat it. So far she's licked a Cheeto, gummed an olive, sucked on a pineapple, and had a drop of root beer and whipped cream (damn those grandparents!) But she's never actually consumed anything other than milk, so here goes. Instead of telling you about it, I thought I would let Trinity illustrate her experience for you:
Food goes here Mom. Duh! | |
In my highchair. Got my bib on. I rock at this eating thing! |
WTF is in my mouth?!?!? No seriously. WHAT. IS. THAT? |
Did I say you could do that again? NO! If only I had hand control! |
Why would you do this Mom? You're dead to me. |
JK. I still love ya. But let's not do that again. K? |
I think it went well. I can't be sure that any of it was actually swallowed, but Rome wasn't built in a day. Apparently, once babies start solids you can tell what they've been eating by looking at (and smelling) the contents of their diaper. I've never been so excited for poop in my life! How sad is that?
Poop is fun! I just got my first real poop a few weeks back.. Very momentous! We have tried a lot of things here and there, but recently noticed how cranky she is after having food.. As much as she wants and likes it, where are slowing down on the solids. and Omg the faces she was making! Classic!!